Many know I wrote a fictional account loosely based on Chinese Actor/Singer/Model and Brand ambassador Zhang Zhehan who was blacklisted in China back in 2021 after a selfie of him was circulated on the internet taken in front of the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan. My book The Wild and Zany Galactic Adventures of Commander Zhang and Lieutenant Simon, Soul Mates who Incarnate on Earth and Save the World was written as a SciFi Space Opera romance and posited that the scandal and his struggles are part of his mission to help humanity and Gaia ascend.
In real life, the posting of the selfie began a devastating series of events for this multi-talented and beautiful soul that resulted in his being "cancelled" in China. Despite his myriad struggles to clear his name, Zhehan has true to his being, taken a stand to keep plodding forward. I have always believed Zhehan was "awake" and that his struggles are all a part of his chosen mission. Thus, it was and always has been in his power to not only overcome and rise above it, but to turn those who seek to harm and stifle the Light, on their heads. While this has been an incredibly lonely struggle for him, I desired to let him know he is definitely not alone. He has powerful guides working with him behind the scenes and more importantly, he is a powerful being himself. For he is not just an ordinary human but an enlightened and kind soul here to bring and anchor light on Gaia like so many other light workers.
While struggling to connect with his fans, and continue to create music and find himself, he hinted back in November of 2022 on his Instagram account his desire to see everyone in concert soon. Meanwhile he began releasing on Apple iTunes and on other popular music platforms a series of songs through Ranyi Music in Shanghai, a company 99% owned by his mother, each quickly rising to number 1 in a matter of days. From the hauntingly and etherically beautiful Melancholy Sunshine (Sad Sunny), the multidimensional sounds of Stars Light You Up, deeply emotional Lost Glacier, catchy and way cool hip hop Knight Errant, powerful rock ballads Datura and Believer, all encapsulate his determination to tell his story and prove his detractors wrong.

(Photo credit: Original poster)
This is why I believe that Zhang is not only awake but completely in control of his own destiny just as I write about in the book. While the book is fiction, it lays out many great truths and is chock full of channeled wisdom not to mention humor and lots of mature audience romance for the ages. But I digress.
Late last month after some fits and starts, Zhehan finally announced his first ever concert in Bangkok, Thailand post scandal set for his birthday on May 11, 2023. This was huge news given all he and his family have endured. After tickets began flying off the shelves and then sold out in minutes, a second concert was added for May 10, 2023 followed by the releasing of additional seats for both dates.
After sending him light, unconditional love as well as healing energies from afar ever since I learned about his struggles after seeing his performance in the Netflix series Word of Honor, I knew I couldn't pass up the opportunity to support him in person and see him live at this extremely significant event. Not only is this an opportunity to see a great artist live in concert, this is about working together to support another light worker and being to anchor more light here on Gaia.

So began the journey to fly halfway around the world to Thailand to accomplish this. Having never been to Thailand, and certainly having never flown anywhere international to attend a concert, I recruited my sister to join me. As she is also sympathetic to his plight and has been on this spiritual journey with me and has also been sending Zhehan light and love, she jumped at the chance to go.

Not only did we endure 19+ hours of flight but 100 degree hot and humid weather upon our arrival. Yet we felt so blessed to be able to embark on an amazing adventure on such extremely short notice.
We stayed at the excellent Avani Sukhamvit Hotel which is not only centrally located and only a few miles from the concert venue, but also situated smack dab in the Century Theater complex and on the BTS Green Line making it very easy to get around.
With a few days to spare before the concerts, we visited many ancient Buddhist temples and cultural sights, learning our way around on Bangkok's extremely modern and clean MRT and BTS subway and train lines. We traveled about town, speeding along in the bustling traffic on a Tuktuk with our awesome driver and new friend Mr. Muenrat, and shopped and ate our way through Bangkok while awaiting Zhehan in concert.

"Beautiful Thailand! Beautiful Thai People."
Thailand is not only an amazing country, her people are beautiful and heart-centered. They have a desire to connect, are extremely friendly and have incredibly warm spirits not to mention are very hard working. They have such beautiful souls and kind spirits. No wonder Zhehan picked Thailand to host his very first overseas concert. Entry visas are much easier to get here as well.
We picked up our tickets for the May 10 concert on May 8 at the beautiful Somerset Hotel in Bangkok. There we met a fellow fan from Singapore who told us there were a few tickets still available for his May 11 birthday concert. Not wishing to pass up the opportunity to hear Zhehan's light and easy-on-the-ears voice for a second evening, we scooped up tickets, buying them on the spot. And boy were we glad we did.

As the days to the concert approached, Zhehan updated fans with pics of him hard at work rehearsing at the venue on his and Ranyi Music's IG account and provided helpful updates. Everything was done very thoughtfully from reminders to dress warmly inside the venue, to how to pick up your free concert teeshirt, easy directions to get to the venue and more. Meanwhile the venue space was kept open for fans to enjoy all the beautiful displays, take photos, write and post letters to him, pick up their concert tickets and even enjoy lunch upstairs.
While there were many who believed that Zhehan would not succeed, believing the will of the Chinese government, CAPA and oppressors to be all powerful and thus insurmountable even for Zhehan, even doubting it was him releasing songs through Ranyi music and posting on IG , or that he would even be in concert, others energetically connected with his heart, took a leap of faith and were able to experience the truth.
If there is anything I learned in life in this SM heavy age is that in order to experience what is real you have to get off your phone, ignore so-called SM "influencers", ignore the negative speculation being peddled and go where the action is to discover the truth of the matter yourself rather than relying on others. Otherwise you remain a digital slave, disconnected from life and the Light. And life is about engaging heart to heart with others.
"Zhehan Looked and Sounded Amazing!"
Not only was it Zhehan in the flesh, he was absolutely on his best game. His voice and outfits were beautiful, stunning and completely off the hook! My own photos don't do it justice. On both nights he spent a great deal of time talking and sharing honestly with his audience at length, sharing his wit, humor and warmth. It was so very heart felt and intimate.
(Photo credits: Ranyi Music)
"So Much High Vibing Energies!"
Sadly even after the concert there was so much nonsense about he and the concert being a scam, that it wasn't even Zhehan, and other high strangeness posted on Twitter and elsewhere, and peddled by people who weren't even there. But boy did they miss a hell of a fun concert, a trip down memory lane as he sang Surround, Wu Ti, Gu Meng, Rain in Shanghai and so many other great songs that marked important points in his life. And then he went on to sing the full complement of all of his new songs with his beautiful and extremely powerful voice. It was an incredible evening. More importantly the naysayers and misinformed missed out on the opportunity to welcome him back, celebrate his birthday with him, provide suppport and bask in his high vibing energies.
Unlike the negative social media postings and nonsense still being spouted, the energy at the concert and in its aftermath was amazing and off the charts! You can't make that stuff up. And at the end of the day as everything is energy, how you can tell truth from falsehood even those spouted by well meaning fans boils down to this.
"Everything is Energy"
Always go to your heart space. If it feels anxious, hot and angry, it's low vibing and worse, out of alignment. No matter which fan camp and energies you align with, always stay in the higher vibrations. You can be sure Zhehan does and isn't mourning his fate no matter how difficult. This is the hallmark of a true star seed and light worker. No matter what happens, they keep plotting forward and spreading light. Based on his spirit and heart, I believe this is what Zhehan hopes for you and everyone, too.
"Gaia is Ascending"
How you feel and what you put out matters. It goes out into the ethers and then right back to you 100% of the time. No exceptions. So what you put out matters. More importantly, given the amount of light pouring in, anything that is not in alignment with the light, or worse is of a low vibration will be felt as such and be even more painful for those putting it out. This is just the nature of the times we are in because Gaia is ascending.
"Heartfelt dialogue is important."
Our time at the concert venue was made even more enjoyable meeting so many other Zhehan fans from around the world including Thailand, China, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, and South Korea and engaging in heartfelt dialogue about their lives, their dreams and love for Zhang Zhehan. They included families, high school and college students, even middle age housewives and elders from everywhere who felt compelled to show up and show their support for him.
We were able to listen in while Zhehan warmed up before hand and enjoy all the cool displays and flower arrangements put up by his Thai fan club. Plus there was tons of free swag being given out by fans from all over to show their love and appreciation to us and him.
"What's important is your heart."
The most important thing is one's heart. For its in your heart that your true light shines and can inspire so many others just like Zhehan. The Thai people have this down. It's in their DNA as everywhere we went we were welcome with warm greetings and smiles. What beautiful people!
Photo credit's: Vegastarchild584 & Ranyi Music)
And after seven fabulous days in Thailand, exploring Bangkok's nooks and crannies, and enjoying the incredible hospitality of the Thai people, it was time for us to return home.

Until next time, I hope all of Zhehan's fans will come together to celebrate a remarkable hero and role model to China and the world that is Zhang Zhehan. I know I was deeply encouraged and inspired by his incredible story and that like a phoenix rising from the ashes (as evidenced by his scene stealing first outfit below), the Zhang Zhehan I experienced was beautiful, sincere, stronger and better than ever! Next time, I hope you can experienced it too!
Touch the Light! ❤️❤️❤️

(Photo credits: Ranyi Music)